Saturday, June 17, 2023

The A.I. Dilemma, deepfakes and national security

Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin, the people behind the film "The Social Dilemma", describe potential negative side effects of generative AI in the engaging talk (1 hour):

The A.I. Dilemma - March 9, 2023 - YouTube

The AI Dilemma - podcast

"Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin discuss how existing A.I. capabilities already pose catastrophic risks to a functional society, how A.I. companies are caught in a race to deploy as quickly as possible without adequate safety measures, and what it would mean to upgrade our institutions to a post-A.I. world."

...and these side effects already started appearing:

Reality wars: Deepfakes and national security | NPR: On Point, June 07, 2023

Includes a story how Bill Browder, a prominent Kremlin critic, became the victim of a deepfake hoax, after being invited to a Zoom call allegedly with Petro Poroshenko, former President of Ukraine.

Please continue helping Ukraine and Israel: contact your elected officials

Those of us who live outside of Ukraine can help Ukraine by writing, calling or emailing our elected officials, urging them to continue help...