Sunday, September 11, 2022

Help the Children of Ukrainian Refugees

Dear friends! I am raising funds to help the children of Ukrainian refugees. The help is provided by Anna Shumeyko, a psychotherapist and psychologist with 20 years of experience working with adults and kids. Anna is leading sessions in art therapy and body psychotherapy that help restore mental health of children traumatized by the war. I am raising funds for rent and supplies for the therapy sessions. One hundred percent of the funds go toward organizing the therapy sessions for the children - we have no overhead. Our goal is to raise $6800 for one therapeutic course for two age groups of 10 children each, 20 children altogether (rent for 1 year: $6000, supplies: $800). Huge thanks to everyone who has donated already! We are one third of the way there. I have known Anna Shumeyko for more than 30 years. Anna is a world class professional from Ukraine with unique experience and education in Ukraine and Switzerland. The families of refugees come from Mariupol, Kharkiv, Dnipro and Luhansk, and now live in Basel, Switzerland. Many of them escaped shelling and missile attacks, and all children were separated from their fathers. During therapy sessions, body tension is relieved through movement and games, and positive communication is established between adults and kids. Negative experience and images are processed and transformed with art using chalk, pencils, crayons and paints, as well as with different sensorial games. I will be very grateful for donations via PayPal:


Дорогие друзья! Я собираю средства для помощи детям украинских беженцев. Детям помогает Анна Шумейко, терапевт и психолог с 20-летним опытом работы с детьми и взрослыми. Анна ведет занятия по арт-терапии и телесно-ориентированной терапии, восстанавливающие психику детей, которые травмированы войной. Я собираю деньги на аренду помещения и материалы для занятий. Сто процентов денег идут на организацию занятий для детей - накладных расходов у нас нет. Наша цель - собрать $6800 на 1 терапевтический курс для двух возрастных групп из 10 детей, 20 детей всего (аренда на год: $6000, материалы для занятий: $800). Большое спасибо всем, кто уже откликнулся. Мы уже собрали треть всей суммы денег! Я знаю Анну Шумейко больше 30 лет. Анна - первоклассный профессионал из Украины с уникальным опытом и образованием в Украине и Швейцарии. Семьи беженцев приехали из Мариуполя, Харькова, Днепра и Луганска и живут в Базеле, Швейцария. Многие бежали из-под обстрелов, все дети разлучены войной с отцами. На занятиях терапией снимается напряжение в теле через подвижные игры, налаживается положительная коммуникация с детьми и взрослыми. Трансформируется отрицательный опыт и образы в ресурсные, используя разные упражнения рисования мелками, карандашами и красками, и различные сенсорные игры. Я буду очень благодарен за помощь в любом размере по PayPal:

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Ukraine charities

How to help Ukrainian civilians suffering one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes of the century? 

Last updated December 4, 2023

There are many ways you can help.

Charities run by friends:

Igor Lubashev (Massachusetts, USA) is raising money for lifesaving equipment for Ukraine as well as for the equipment for Ukrainian children’s education in orphanages and refugee settlements:

Here is the info from his GuFundMe page: 
Fundraiser by Igor Lubashev : Kharkiv Resilience Fund:

I am happy to share our latest project.

Hundreds of children in orphanages and refugee settlements have been displaced by the war and are missing school and other learning opportunities. Worry about their children’s education is one of the very top concerns of the families in refugee settlements — this is one of very few things they can actually control. There are Ukrainian- and Russian-speaking volunteers around the world who are interested to teach the children remotely, but there are very few laptops where the children are.

We have partnered with Earthlings Hub, Kiddo Byte Ukraine, and Ukraine Rescue Fund to send 100 Chromebooks and 120 headsets to the orphanages and refugee centers to allow the children a chance to learn.

Our Chromebooks have been delivered to children in Lviv, Kryvyi Rih, Chernivtsi, and Vinnytsia! Hurrah!

P.S. In the works is delivery of 3000 donated science kits to Ukraine -- the word about us being able to get these projects done gets around. We are happy to help!

P.P.S. We are still helping with our original projects like procuring and delivering fabrics, Velcro-like tape, and webbing for vests and other lifesaving equipment.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Timur Shtatland (2022) "The Riesling Drinker"

 Timur Shtatland (2022) "The Riesling Drinker" is dated to the artist's Stoneham period. It is variously known as "The COVID Test Taker", "To Drink or Not to Drink", and "A Second Thought Caused by the COVID Test a Moment Before the Timer Is up". It is inspired by Pablo Picasso's "The Absinthe Drinker", which, in turn, is dated to *that* artist's Purple Period (located between the Light Pink Period and the Blue Period). Precious little is known about this oeuvre, although one can read more about Riesling itself on the back of wine bottles. A timely gift by generous benefactors may have preceded, or, indeed, precipitated, the creation of this work.

Please continue helping Ukraine and Israel: contact your elected officials

Those of us who live outside of Ukraine can help Ukraine by writing, calling or emailing our elected officials, urging them to continue help...